Sunday, March 23, 2008

Smaller is better

On my way back from picking up the Sunday paper this morning, I realized that no one -- myself included -- had bothered to check the mail on Saturday. Among the bills, solicitations and an Easter card from Nana and Babop was a tell-tale envelope.

Within the mailing products industry, it's called a 6 3/4 envelope.Why? It's 6 3/4 inches long. Regular envelopes, if you're interested, are called #10s. Unlike most things in life, this is an instance, though, where size doesn't matter.

No, what these envelopes represent is much different. Each tells me that our autograph collection is about to grow. In yesterday's case, the autographs came from St. Louis' Brad Boyes.

Though we have plenty of Bruins items from Boyes, signed when we both lived in New England, these are the first showing him with the Blues. Let me tell you, his autograph hasn't changed much.

For the record, Boyes was a member of the first round of Hound Central 3.0's TTM project this season. Sent Oct. 31, 2007, they took four-plus months to return.

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