Saturday, March 8, 2008

That was fun

Not wanting to dip in the babysitting well too often, Colin had to join me at work today. Not only did he help me design a page for the newspaper, picking the photos for the feature on a state park, but he was remarkably well behaved over the course of the shift.

As a reward, we took a ride to a mall, where we tried out our new skates at the rink. He's still working on his sea legs, so to speak. I'm just starting to shake off nearly 15 years of rust. At the least, we broke in our skates a little.

I swear, too, that my car steered itself into the Toys R Us parking lot. Once there, I figured what the heck. Might as well look around. As usual, Daddy didn't get a thing. Besides, a birthday's coming.

Still, though, after a day like today, when two of the world's goofiest dudes got to hang out, I can't help but say just how much fun it is to be a father. Now, I know that there will be days 180 degrees from today. That's life. Until then, I'm going to savor today.

Remember, too, to set your clocks ahead an hour before hitting the hay tonight. I really don't like giving up that hour of sleep. Do you?


Drew said...

Heck, at least you don't have to be in to work at 10:30 along with giving up that extra hour of sleep.

Unless you do, in which case that sucks and we're both in the same boat.

Puckhound said...

Yeah, I'm working. Picking up some OT, so that eases the sting a little.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great day. I'd trade an hour of sleep for it.

Have a great one.


ps. I'm sure you heard that Patrice Bergeron started skating again (I believe with the team?). Great to see.