Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tim Russert: 1950-2008

As a journalist and as a native Western New Yorker, I felt a profound sadness upon learning that Tim Russert, the moderator for NBC's Meet the Press for the past 16 years, had passed away on Friday.

Mr. Russert, a native of Buffalo and a big fan of the NFL's Bills, was a journalist's journalist. He was all about getting the truth, even if it meant throwing a few high-and-tights at an unwilling subject, and protecting the integrity of objectivity.

Sunday mornings and politics, I'm afraid, will never be the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a Western New Yorker it is such a sad time here in the area...he was such a great person and this is a huge loss not only for us here in the area but everyone all over the country.