Friday, August 15, 2008

All about the sharks

All summer long, Colin's fascination with sharks has grown. We traveled to a marine research facility in Sarasota to check out their specimens. He just a got a book with 1,000 facts about sharks. Heck, he even has a pair of shark sunglasses.

But, I get the sense that his summer wasn't complete until he got a bunch of Clearwater Threshers players -- Single-A prospects for the Philadelphia Phillies -- to sign his hand-drawn poster before a game earlier this week.

As usual, the players got a kick out of the poster, nearly every one asking whether he had drawn it.


Anonymous said...

hopefully he watched shark week last month, its probably one of the best weeks in the year

Puckhound said...

Yeah, he watched as much as we'd let him. He also found a Shark week DVD that he's been asking for.

Maybe Santa will get it for him.