Thursday, January 31, 2008

Checking in

Seeing that I haven't been too busy here at Hound Central 3.0 lately, I felt I owed regular readers an explanation for my absence over the past few days.

It seems that the holidays, and all the goodies that come with them, have caught up to me, knocking my diabetes all out of whack. I should've known better, really, but it's hard to resist all the cookies, snacks and, my weakness, far too many 20-ounce bottles of Pepsi.

As a result, I've spent the better part of two weeks trying to get my blood-sugar levels back under control. Hanging out at the house, instead of at Tampa hotels hounding NHL teams, has been part of the process. It's likely, too, to remain that way for a couple of weeks.

Going forward, I'll be cutting back on my writing as well. Expect no more than two or three posts a week. Hopefully, puck No. 1,500 will be one of those items.

In the grand scheme of things, taking care of myself is far more important than any hounding adventure. I'm hoping you'll agree.


Anonymous said...

Without question. Glad to hear from you and hope you're feeling better.

It's all about balance and moderation.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

I too agree...been going through some health issues of my own so I can appreciate where your coming from. Take care of yourself...all boys need their dad!